I remember only watching Elemental once a while back and finding it somewhat enjoyable, but I won't lie, this perfectly summarizes my feelings about it. I don't know about you guys, but although Elemental was a harmless watch, it was still a forgettable movie. As said in the screenshot, "Elemental is a bit like a puddle," and so on. It's not like this movie made me hate Pixar or anything, but I can't and won't lie: This studio just keeps getting lamer and lamer with each new movie, by the looks of it.
Oh yeah, I also saw Inside Out two a few months ago. A friend of mine says it's the best movie they've made so far, but me? ... I thought it was okay. I mean, it was literally just the first movie, but with a few more emotions. Also, am I the only one who thought Embarrassment and Anxiety were literally just copies of Fear, but with different coats of paint? I can see where they were going with them, but it all just feels really contrived and stupid to me. Fear literally does everything they do. He makes Riley overthink things, he makes her cowardly, he makes her shy, all that shit. That's literally what fear does! I also thought Envy was pretty disappointing design-wise. I think she would've been a little more interesting if she was this monstrous, little Goblin who looks all creepy and weird when her "envy senses" start acting up. Just imagine if her eyes had creepy slits or if she had little piranha fangs. She's cute, sure, but that doesn't mean I liked her. Oh yeah, and I fucking hated Fear's new voice actor. He just sounds so whiny and annoying. Bill Hader's voice was the perfect blend of witty, but cowardly. I feel like a more interesting sequel would've been an "alternate universe" where Riley became a terrible, morally empty person. Remember that bit near the end of the first movie where the control panel goes grey and the emotions can't make Riley feel anything? I think it would've been interesting if some new emotions came along, but if they were more like terrible aspects of the human soul. Hell, maybe they'd be like evil doppelgangers of the main cast.
Sadism = Makes Riley find joy in the suffering of others, as well as inflicting pain on them.
Irritation = Riley's insides are festering and rotting with bottled up rage and indignation.
Gloom = Makes Riley feel absolutely nothing inside, turning her into a shell of her old self.
Suspicion/Doubt = Riley constantly distrusts and pushes away people who want to help.
Greed = Turns Riley into a self-centered and possessive monster.
I also like imagining if Gloom first showed up, they wouldn't even acknowledge Disgust, Anger, or Fear. They'd just slowly walk up to the panel, crack their knuckles, and get to work. Turns out they're in control now, so the others desperately try to pry them away from the control panel, but they're basically arguing with a brick wall. Then Irritation would appear. In the concept art, Irritation just looks like a little ball of scribbles, but I like to think when they get fed up, they turn into this massive scribble monster, so when Irritation tells the gang to get the Hell away from Gloom, they ignore them and Irritation's like, "Alright, fine," then they transform into a monster and swat them away while Gloom just gets back to work. Suddenly, Greed shows up and effortlessly shoves Gloom away because they want a turn at the controls. Then Suspicion/Doubt appears and they're like, "And who said you could have the nest go, heh?" "Back off, it's mine," Greed would hiss! "Says who," Doubt replies. Then Greed and Suspicion/Doubt start beating the snot out of each other while Sadism watches from afar, fire in their eyes and a grin on their face. "HEHEHE!! C'MON, KICK THEIR TEETH IN!! I WANNA SEE BLOOD!!" Meanwhile, Anger, Fear, and Disgust are just tied up in the corner and helplessly struggling. Honestly I'd rather see a movie about them instead.